Fox Rich is an autodidactic documentarian who first captivated audiences in the incomparable Garrett Bradley-led Oscar-nominated film TIME (2020). Fox Rich is a skilled wordsmith, gifted orator, and natural-born storyteller. In 1997, her world was turned upside down when an ill-intentioned investor unexpectedly pulled out of a business venture, sending her and her husband, Robert Richardson, spiraling to regain financial solvency. In response to this heartbreaking setback, Fox and Rob did the unimaginable - they robbed a bank. 

Subsequently, Fox would spend the next 21 years and 4 days fighting tooth and nail to secure Rob's freedom. Throughout this arduous journey, her camera became her steadfast companion, ceaselessly capturing candid and vulnerable moments that laid bare the raw truth of her family's existence.

These video diaries became a lifeline and beacon of hope as Fox documented every step of the way, yearning to share with Rob the precious moments he was unjustly forced to miss. Rich's sacred diaries not only gave her meaning in her suffering but also garnered her praise for her significant contribution to what is now hailed as one of the "top 50 films of the century" and one of the "25 most defining works of the Black renaissance," according to The Hollywood Reporter and TIME magazine, respectively. 

TIME was indeed a gift to the world, and TIME II: Unfinished Business is first an ode to Bradley and the amazing team of co-conspirators that made it possible. Secondly, TIME II is an offering to audiences who fell in love with TIME and an opportunity for love to once again bring us back together.

Prepare to be provoked, to have your emotions stirred, and your perspectives challenged as you bear witness to the extraordinary directorial vision of Fox Rich. Her recordings expose the harsh realities of our society, forcing us to confront uncomfortable truths and inspiring us to take action. This is an opportunity to experience cinema that transcends entertainment, leaving an indelible mark on your conscience and sparking meaningful conversations that can ignite systemic change. 

Today, Fox stands not just as an author, advocate, and motivational speaker, but also as a social entrepreneur with over three decades of experience shining a light on the dark corners of social injustice through her compelling documentaries. Her work serves as a powerful reminder that the fight for justice never ends and that the human spirit can prevail even in the face of unimaginable adversity.